Monday, October 18, 2010

What a week!

Hi everyone! Megan here... just wanted to give you a bit of an update on what's going on with m. Photography!

It's been quite the work, both professionally and personally. We had two sessions last weekend, both at the Anchorage Museum, which has become one of our favorite places to shoot! You can see session #1 here. The Gavin-Kirk family was absolutely amazing and so very photogenic! I love it when clients make our job easier! Session #2 should make it's preview tomorrow... so stay tuned. Just know that she is 2 and adorable!

We've have family visiting, a church revival followed by a convention, and lots of company over so it was nice to just sit back and take a breather last night before the rest of this month hits! We have two maternity sessions, a family/baby session, and a newborn session all booked for the next two weeks... and we need to find time somewhere in there to take our own son's 7 month pictures! That's right, Caleb is seven months old as of yesterday! Oh where did the time go?

There is an influx of new props to m. Photography! New backgrounds, new baskets, tons of new hats for the little babies. I'm really excited to have a lot of little BOY hats as they are usually the hardest to find! We have some beautiful new wood flooring for our portable studio setup and some fun patterned backdrops that were picked especially for the beautiful mommies-to-be that we have coming up!

And... yes, there is more! We now have 100 fans on Facebook!
Thank you to all our friends, family, clients, and well, everyone! Keep the fans coming and we just might have to do some special for lucky #200! And if #200 doesn't live in Alaska, then they can still pass along the *prize* to anyone they know living in the area or we can arrange for an alternative *prize* that they can make use of! Join us on facebook at!

Speaking of which... If you're needing to book a session, we're full for most of October, with the only opening being this Sunday afternoon, the 24th. The only sessions we are taking otherwise are newborn sessions on an open time/weekday basis. We are currently booking for the month of November but you'd better make it quick because we're filling up fast. Use the contact form on the "Contact" page  in order to ask about booking a session!

Wow.. I feel bad about talking your ear off without sharing at least one photo.... so how about what is to-this-day my hands-down favorite newborn picture of Caleb! This is from his four-day-old session so you can definitely image the possibilities for your little one:

See you again tomorrow for a super-cute preview of a super-cute little girl!

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