
“Will I ever meet THE ONE?”

This is a question nearly all of us have asked at one point or another. Will we find ever find our soul mate, the one person that completes us and shares the deepest passions of our heart?

Sometimes.. yes. We did.

When we married, not only did we find someone who enjoyed the same type of food (Italian) or had the same insane idea that climbing a mountain in four feet of snow was actually fun, but we also found someone who shared our love of photography.

As husband and wife, we are able to share this love of photography even as we share our love for each other, and our love for families and children.

Since the birth of [m.] Photography, we have had the privilege of meeting new mothers eagerly awaiting their special little one, husbands and wives of 25 years and of three months, brothers and sisters that are more best friends than siblings- all people who have been much more than simply clients, but friends.

Even now as our own family has welcomed an addition of its own, we feel our passion rekindled as we seek to help others capture these once-in-a-lifetime moments... for truly each moment is special in its own way, and deserves to be remembered and cherished.

Megan & Micah
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