Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Aaron | 8 Days Old | Anchorage Newborn Photographer

Meet Aaron, a sweet little boy and the first Baby's First Year plan member of 2011! Seriously, I am so excited to watch this little guy grow over the next year. From this precious, little newborn baby, to a wide-eyed 3 month old, a playful 6 month old,  an exploring 9 month old, and an independent 1 year old! He is going to grow, learn, and learn to love life, just like Mom and Dad.

First of all, I absolutely adore the name Aaron! It's such a strong name with a good noble ring to it, and I love real "boyish" names. I think he's going to make a very nice Aaron.

Taking advantage of a rare sleepy moment, I was able to use one of my new props from this last week's thrift store expeditions: an antique suitcase! I can already tell you that I love how it turned out and Aaron was the perfect first model.

I really love this next one as it includes an ultrasound picture of Aaron while he was still a "belly baby". This really just amazes me all over again, the whole miracle of birth, really. From that tiny baby-in-the-belly to the little, yet oh-so-big baby in your arms. Like I said, a miracle.

Aaron amazed me with just how alert he was. It was as though he knew that something exciting was going on and didn't want to miss out on a single moment!

Although he wasn't very sleepy, we still got some beautiful portraits of Aaron's amazing eyes and handsome little face. You know how they say that eyes are the windows to a person's soul? Well, there never were windows so clean and purse as that of a newborn baby.

Since Aaron didn't care much for sleeping, we just took our time feeding, cuddling, and being patient. After all, this day was all about him, so ultimately he was the one in charge!

But in the end, it all paid off and we were able to get the sweet portraits of Aaron and his Daddy, which were Mommy's dearest wish.

While I was adoring that sweet button nose, Aaron gave me an adorable little smile! And of course, I felt my heart melt all over again. I just love it when these little ones smile, as through letting me know just how much they are loving being the star of the show, and the light of their parent's lives.

Once again, welcome little Aaron and congratulations to Mom & Dad! I can't wait to see what this year holds for your sweet family! ~Megan

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